What Carbon Neutrality means for industries and how to achieve it

30 Jun 2023

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of recent years, which is why industries have set themselves the goal of achieving Carbon Neutrality.

Let us go into detail.

What Carbon Neutrality means in industry

In a world where the topic of sustainability is on the agenda, it is important to know the meaning of the terms that are used in this area.
So what does Carbon Neutrality mean?

The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) has explained that Carbon Neutrality occurs when “anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are offset by an equal amount of reduced, avoided or sequestered emissions within a given time horizon”.

In a nutshell, it means that companies must seek to ensure a balance between the emissions generated by their activities and those absorbed by the Earth, balancing them with actions aimed at offsetting, removing or absorbing these CO2 emissions.

For a company to become carbon neutral means to have zero impact on the environment and not to weigh with its activities on climate change due to global warming.

How to approach Carbon Neutrality

Reducing gas emissions, and consequently approaching Carbon Neutrality, will enable companies to ‘transition’ to decarbonisation, a cornerstone of the European climate strategy.

To summarise, there are four steps along the way:

  • Measurement, i.e. assessing one’s carbon footprint, i.e. the company’s impact in terms of CO2 emissions
  • Reduction, decreasing emissions through the use of more efficient technologies and renewable energy
  • Offsetting, companies will not be able to completely avoid greenhouse gas emissions. This is why they can undertake offsetting initiatives, such as financing reforestation projects or buying carbon credits from other companies

What are the European Union’s goals to achieve Carbon Neutrality?

Achieving zero net carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 is one of the projects implemented by the European Union.

This goal is one of the main points of the new European Green Deal, a strategic plan, which aims to combat climate change through the adoption of specific and decisive measures such as moving towards a green transition.

How will this be achieved? By following a roadmap with targeted actions. Going into detail, the European Commission has set some targets to be achieved by 2030:

  • reduce gas emissions to 55%
  • 45% increase in energy consumption from renewable sources by individual countries
  • improve energy efficiency by reducing primary and final energy consumption by 32.5%.

Simplifhy solutions to achieve Carbon Neutrality

At Simplifhy, we are Italy’s leading supplier of hydrogen-based solutions and provide support to companies that want to achieve Carbon Neutrality. As a consultant and system integrator, we provide our knowledge and solutions. We propose ourselves as a one-stop supplier for the realisation of solutions for the decarbonisation of industry through technologies based on the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier and as an alternative fuel with a comprehensive and customised offer.

In energy redevelopment projects, we act as a full-service supplier: from design to construction and commissioning of the system.

The added value? Our ability to identify the most suitable solution for the relevant sector and the needs of each individual customer.

In particular, we deal with:

  • consulting for the design and implementation of ‘custom-made’ hydrogen plants
  • supply of equipment and implementation of complete plants for the production and use of hydrogen
  • support for foreign companies that want to implement solutions for the production and use of hydrogen in Italy
  • national and European calls for tenders for the financing and implementation of innovative projects for decarbonisation with hydrogen-based technologies

In Simplifhy we offer strategies and systems for the decarbonisation of industry, through deployment of Hydrogen-based technologies as an alternative fuel.

Our plants are tailoredaccording to the necessities of each specific project.

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