Simplifhy Provides Support for the 52 Hydrogen Valleys Financed by the PNRR in Italy

30 May 2024

At Simplifhy, we offer our support for the 52 Hydrogen Valleys financed by the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan).
Specifically, we have been involved in following 9 Hydrogen Valleys throughout Italy during the tender process and are supporting another 10 for subsequent phases after obtaining funding.

The term ‘Hydrogen Valley’ refers to a geographical area where an integrated ecosystem consumes and operates thanks to a significant quantity of hydrogen.
The function of these hubs is to support the production and use of hydrogen in industry and transportation, as well as to redevelop abandoned industrial areas and boost local economies.

Authorizations, Engineering, and Technologies: Simplifhy’s Comprehensive Support

At Simplifhy, we handle companies not only during the tender process but also in the subsequent stages after winning funding, throughout the authorization process and for off-takers. To date, we have supported various companies for:

  • Owner Engineering, from authorization engineering to construction and final engineering
  • Off-taker identification
  • Research and selection of the most suitable technologies

Specifically, after winning the tender concerning hydrogen, we have guided companies in conducting feasibility studies, updating business plans, and have been involved in basic design and quotation for authorization engineering.

We have offered our support not only for Hydrogen Valleys but also for all the engineering related to integrated solutions involving refueling stations.

Our activities include:

  • safety analysis
  • authorization support
  • identification of items and main components
  • assistance during the procurement phase
  • help in purchasing fire suppression systems

The PNRR’s €500 Million Investment Supporting the 52 Hydrogen Valleys

For the creation of 52 Hydrogen Valleys, the PNRR provides an allocation of €500 million. In particular, €50 million is reserved for ‘flagship projects,’ i.e., interventions considered strategically relevant for the regions.
The remaining PNRR incentives for transitioning to hydrogen aimed at disused industrial areas are distributed among projects of regions and autonomous provinces. Furthermore, the RePower EU chapter, within the framework of the PNRR revision, has allocated an additional €90 million for the Hydrogen Valleys.

Want to know more?
Read our in-depth article on REPowerEU 2023: Including Energy Measures in the PNRR

These funds aim to increase the budget available for projects that, although approved, have not received funding due to the lack of resources.

The 52 projects already financed across the national territory will be completed by December 31, 2026. Of these, 28 are located in the South, where 50% of the over €500 million investment planned by the PNRR is allocated.

Geographical Distribution of Hydrogen Valleys in Italy

As for the geographical distribution of Hydrogen Valleys, Southern Italy is the most affected area with 28 out of 52 projects financed by the PNRR. In Northern Italy, 17 projects will be developed, and 7 in Central Italy.

In particular, the most substantial investments are concentrated in three Southern regions:

  • 1. Campania with 6 funded projects
  • 2. Puglia with 5 projects
  • 3. Sicily with 4 projects”

In Northern Italy, the most significant allocations involve Lombardy and Trentino-Alto Adige, both with 4 funded projects.

    The Importance of Hydrogen Valleys for the Decarbonization of the Country

    Hydrogen Valleys are of great importance in promoting the decarbonization process in our country. Indeed, the projects will help reduce CO2 emissions and, in general, promote the use of renewable energies and research and development activities in the energy sector.

    According to European and Italian political directions, focusing on alternative energy vectors such as hydrogen is essential for decarbonization. In this context, Hydrogen Valley projects are necessary to create a strong hydrogen value chain capable of competing with other international players.

      In particular, hydrogen districts represent a significant added value for the territories that will host them, allowing them to begin relying on a clean, renewable, and highly technological source. Furthermore, investing in hydrogen promotes quality employment that can make Italy a leader in green skills and energy transition.

      Simplifhy: The Italian Protagonist in Industrial Decarbonization

      In the process of hydrogen development in Italy, Simplifhy plays a leading role. Indeed, we offer personalized decarbonization solutions for industry through the use of hydrogen-based technologies as an energy vector and alternative fuel.

      We carry out tailor-made projects for each reality, with solutions designed to meet the specific needs of each client.

      Our mission is to simplify the approach to implementing hydrogen-based technologies, acting as a single point of contact during the phases of:

      • Design and feasibility study
      • Engineering and project execution (including authorizations and bureaucratic procedures)
      • Hydrogen transportation
      • Installation and maintenance of plants

      Contact us to learn more about our activities for Hydrogen Valleys.

      In Simplifhy we offer strategies and systems for the decarbonisation of industry, through deployment of Hydrogen-based technologies as an alternative fuel.

      Our plants are tailoredaccording to the necessities of each specific project.

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