Energy requalification projects for companies: Simplifhy’s support

31 Mar 2023

As a consultant and system integrator, Simplifhy provides support to companies that want to realise energy upgrading projects.
To do so, we utilise our know-how in technologies based on the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier and as an alternative fuel.

Let us find out more about this.

What Simplifhy does in energy requalification projects

In energy requalification projects, we act as a supplier of complete solutions: from planning to construction and commissioning of the system.

The added value?
Our ability to identify the most suitable solution for the relevant sector and the needs of each individual customer.

Want to know in which markets we specialise?
Discover all the hydrogen application sectors!

Specifically, we intervene in energy requalification projects in the following phases:

  1. brainstorming
  2. dimensionamento
  3. design
  4. technical report drafting
  5. quotation

Initial brainstorming phase

When a company contacts us for an energy redevelopment project, we start with the brainstorming phase.

In this phase, the company usually presents its idea to us and, through an introductory meeting, we work on turning it into the actual project.

During the brainstorming, the scope and the results to be achieved are defined with the aim of clearly and precisely explaining the various steps to all participants.

The dimensioning of a system in building redevelopment projects

The second step that characterises our consultancy in energy requalification projects is the dimensioning of the system.

What does this mean?
It means understanding, based on climatic, technical, economic and architectural factors, how much renewable energy you need and how it can be applied.

Design of the entire plant

After collecting this data, we begin the third phase of the consultation: we prepare the design of the entire plant.

Specifically, we take care of:

  • choose the various components that will be used to build the entire project
  • study the necessary spaces

The design of the floor plan is necessary to assess the most appropriate layout. In fact, each installation must comply with certain safety and space requirements, both internal and external.

Drawing up the technical report

The fourth phase of energy refurbishment project consulting is the drafting of the technical report.

Specifically, the technical report consists of describing the project in detail, this allows us to define:

  • the implementations carried out to improve the system
  • the energy savings to be obtained with the energy efficiency intervention
  • the performance and efficiency of the building-plant system

These steps are fundamental, for example, in order to receive a good score when companies want to participate in a call for tenders for energy requalification.

The quotation of the plant in energy refurbishment projects

The last step concerns the quotation of the installation where the main cost and revenue items must be identified:

  • initial investment, i.e. financial capacity
  • material costs
  • labour and maintenance costs
  • calculations of the real consumption of the various components included
  • savings compared to the situation before the investment

Simplifhy’s help in applying for regional energy requalification tenders

Simplifhy also supports companies in participating in regional and national calls for tenders for energy requalification.

Specifically, we offer a consultancy service by helping several companies draw up the technical report and accompanying them through all the steps necessary to implement the hydrogen plant project.

Recently, for example, we supported several companies during the PNRR call for tenders concerning the realisation of Hydrogen Valley in disused industrial areas.

Specifically, thanks to the experience gained over the years, we act as a single point of contact during:

  • the design and feasibility study
  • project engineering and execution (including authorisation and bureaucratic)
  • hydrogen transport
  • installation and maintenance of systems

Would you like to know more about how Simplifhy can help you with your energy requalification projects?
For more information

In Simplifhy we offer strategies and systems for the decarbonisation of industry, through deployment of Hydrogen-based technologies as an alternative fuel.

Our plants are tailoredaccording to the necessities of each specific project.

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