12 June 2024 – Simplifhy at ANIMA Confindustria Course on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

26 Apr 2024

Simplifhy participates in the ANIMA Confindustria course on ‘Hydrogen and Fuel Cells’, aimed at companies, scheduled for Wednesday 12 June 2024.
The Federation of National Associations of the Miscellaneous and Related Mechanics Industry has been organising professional training courses for several years to support companies in the sector with updates on the latest developments in the field of:

  • Product safety
  • EU Directives
  • Health and safety at work
  • Legal protection
  • Access to international markets
  • Technical and environmental sustainability topics

Thanks to the collaboration with ICIM GROUP and other partners, Anima Confindustria offers up-to-date training courses in line with the needs of its member companies.

Let us go into the details of the course.

The topics of the Confindustria course dedicated to Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

The ANIMA Confindustria course dedicated to Hydrogen and Fuel Cells allows participants to deepen their knowledge of this sector.
In particular, the main topics and themes of the course concern:

  1. Introduction to hydrogen
  2. Basics of fuel cell operation
  3. Technologies on the market
  4. Areas of use
  5. Examples of real applications


1. Introduction of hydrogen

The initial part of the Confindustria course provides a comprehensive overview of hydrogen, in which we analyse:

  • its chemical and physical properties
  • production methods
  • storage vectors
  • the challenges related to its transport and distribution.

It is a time to discuss the potential of this vector as a clean and sustainable energy source, with a focus on its role in the decarbonisation of the industrial and transport sectors.

2. The basics of fuel cell operation

One of the topics of the training day is basic knowledge of the operating principles of fuel cells. The different types of cells and the chemical processes underlying their conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy are analysed. At the same time, the characteristics and performance of different fuel cell technologies, such as proton membrane cells (PEM) and solid oxide cells (SOFC), are explored.

3. Fuel cell technologies on the market

Confindustria courses discuss the main fuel cell technologies available on the market, with a focus on two key types:

  • Proton membrane cells (PEM): these are the most widespread technology. Characterised by low operating temperatures, fast start-up and compactness, they are suitable for automotive and small-scale power generation applications.
  • Solid oxide cells (SOFC): operate at higher temperatures. They offer high efficiency and the possibility of using fuels other than hydrogen. However, they have longer start-up times and are more expensive than PEMs.

4. Fields of use for fuel cells

Hydrogen and fuel cells can be used in a wide range of applications, ranging from residential and commercial settings to large-scale mobility scenarios.
Participants together with lecturers have the opportunity to discuss the potential of this technology in various areas of use.

5. Examples of real applications

The course presents concrete cases of fuel cell applications around the world, with concrete examples of how this technology is having a significant impact in various sectors. For example, the analysis of fuel cell-powered vehicles, distributed power generation systems and industrial applications.
Furthermore, the integration of fuel cell systems requires an understanding of the Balance of Plant (BOP), which includes ancillary components such as:

  • hydrogen storage unit
  • fuel reformer
  • air conditioning
  • control and monitoring

Simplifhy is the reference point in Italy for the decarbonisation of industry

During the morning, Simplifhy acts as lecturer, focusing on Fuel Cells. Indeed, in the first few hours, which are dedicated to Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, we share our in-depth knowledge of the sector, offering participants a comprehensive and up-to-date view of the industry.
As course lecturers, we provide our Fuel Cell know-how and also an in-depth understanding of the applications and potential of this innovative technology.
At Simplifhy, we stand as a one-stop supplier of solutions for the decarbonisation of industry through technologies based on the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier and alternative fuel. We are able to propose a wide range of customised solutions to meet the specific needs of each customer.
Find out how our hydrogen-based solutions can transform your industry.

Contact us today for a personal consultation and to learn more about our offerings.

In Simplifhy we offer strategies and systems for the decarbonisation of industry, through deployment of Hydrogen-based technologies as an alternative fuel.

Our plants are tailoredaccording to the necessities of each specific project.

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