Simplifhy 2023 Balance Sheet: a year of extraordinay results for our company

9 May 2024

Simplifhy closed 2023 with an extremely positive balance.
In particular, the turnover for 2023 amounted to 1.250.000 euros, with a production value of 1.300.000 euros, figures significantly higher than those of 2022.

Indeed, in 2022, the turnover was 220.000 euros, with a production value of around 500,000 euros.

Furthermore, in the third year of operation since the company’s inception, we close with a net profit representing approximately 6% of the turnover.

The results achieved by Simplifhy in the last year

The balance sheet of the past year presents promising results for a young start-up like ours, founded in 2021. o have already achieved profits after such a short time is a significant accomplishment, especially in a new and rapidly evolving sector like hydrogen.

Moreover, we are aware that many start-ups have recently emerged in the hydrogen field, all striving to establish a prominent position amount competitors.

In this context, our choice has been to approach the market with a cautious attitude, avoiding overly risky decisions while focusing on:

  • Robust growth
  • Sustained development
  • Solidity
  • Reasoned investments

Therefore, a decision that has proven to be successful and has allowed us to achieve very positive outcomes in a short time.

Another distinguishing factor compared to many other players in the sector is that, in addition to all the engineering design activity, in 2023, we managed to complete the first three real hydrogen plants. This is a highly significant achievement in our context.

Indeed, while there are currently many design activities in the market, which are nonetheless nexessary for the growth of the hydrogen sector, we are among the few who have managed to translate our projects into concrete installations.

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Discover all our successful Case Studies.

Simplifhy’s Outlook for 2024

The year 2024 opens with very promising expectations for us.

In fact, the orders we currently have in progress imply a turnover of around two million euros by the end of the year, supplemented by profits from additional upcoming activities
Therefore, we anticipate that this year’s balance sheet will also show growth compared to 2023.

For 2024, we aim to continute along the path already laid out, maintaining a cautious yet consistenyl improving appraoch To achieve this, we are making efforts to:

  • Significantly strengthen our workforce and structure, without overextending ourselves beyond actual needs.
  • Double the number of employees with the goal of bolstering our team to cope with the increasing workload. Undoubtedly, we will maintain the conservative and sustainable approach that has characterized Simplifhy since its inception.

This will enable us to double the turnover compared to 2023 and generate profits this year as well, continuing to position ourselves in teh economic sector as a solid and reliable entity.

The Italian hydrogen market in 2024: current state and new projects

The Italian hydrogen market is still fragile due to several factors; however the upcoming years appear very promising.

Firstly becuse it currently relies on funding linked to the National Recovering and Resilience Plan (PNRR) for the construction of plants that have already been assigned and must be implemented in the coming months.

Furthermore, the Italian hydrogen supply chain has not yet been completed, contributing to the current market uncertainty. Additionally, hydrogen is not competitive today. herefore, the sustainability of the sector still depends on the need for government incentives for the use of hydrogen from renewable sources, which are still lacking but expected to arrive in the coming months.

    Would you like to know more?
    Read our in-depth article on Strategies to Make Italy a Hub for Hydrogen.

    However, at Simplifhy, we believe that these factors of uncertainty can be resolved in the coming years to allow the Italian hydrogen industry to take off.
    The projects we are currently working on involve plants with hundreds of megawatts and allow us to look positively towards the future.

    Simplifhy: the leading solution provider for the Italian hydrogen market

    At Simplifhy, we position ourselves in the Italian market as a solution provider capable of offering strategies and systems for the decarbonization of industry through the use of hydrogen-based technologies as an energy vector and alternative fuel.

    In particular, we design innovative systems for the production, storage, and use of hydrogen for energy generation, refueling hydrogen vehicles, and direct use in industrial processes.

    Moreover, we provide tailor-made decarbonization solutions, designed to meet the specific needs of each client. Specifically, we support companies in all stages of development of their solutions, from feasibility studies to project execution, installation, and maintenance of plants. Last but not least, we offer support to companies for high-profile energy retrofit projects.
    Contact us for personalized consulting.

    In Simplifhy we offer strategies and systems for the decarbonisation of industry, through deployment of Hydrogen-based technologies as an alternative fuel.

    Our plants are tailoredaccording to the necessities of each specific project.

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