SEAFUTURE 2023: Simplifhy’s Sergio Torriani as panelist at maritime innovation conference

28 Jun 2023

Our CEO Sergio Torriani participated in the GREEN&BLUE INNOVATION HUB conference on maritime innovation at SEAFUTURE 2023 on 7 June.

As a representative of Simplifhy, Torriani offered his technical contribution on the topic of decarbonisation of the shipping industry within the conference that took place during the eighth edition of the event.

What is SEAFUTURE 2023

In the previous paragraph we talked about SEAFUTURE, but what is it all about?

SEAFUTURE 2023, organised by Italian Blue Growth in collaboration with the Italian Navy, is the international exhibition targeting the shipping industry, navies, management bodies, and governments.

From 5 to 8 June 2023, inside the naval base in La Spezia, a rich programme of events engaged numerous companies from the Marine and Defence sector that presented their projects and activities.

In particular, the themes at the centre of the eighth edition of SEAFUTURE 2023 were those suggested by the international agenda:

  • Dual Use
  • Refitting Green Technology
  • Maritime Security
  • Cyber Security
  • Research and Development
  • Communication and navigation systems
  • Submarines
  • Defence technology
  • New naval technologies and latest innovations


Simplifhy’s contribution within the SEAFUTURE Green & Blue Innovation Hub

During the SEAFUTURE 2023 exhibition, space was also set aside for the Blue Economy and Energy Transition of the maritime sector within the SEAFUTURE Green & Blue Innovation Hub.

In addition, on 7 June 2023, a round table was held within the HUB, attended by our CEO Sergio Torriani, where the following topics were discussed in depth:

  • pathways for the decarbonisation of maritime transport
  • pathways for the decarbonisation of ports
  • Cold Ironing and the role of ports in reducing maritime emissions
  • the circular economy applied to the blue economy
  • ports and energy transition
  • port/city relations and sustainable projects
  • green & blue shipyards

Some key elements in the decarbonisation of shipping emerged at the conference:

  • decarbonisation in ports and shipping requires complex answers and the challenges must be tackled with a systemic approach.
  • The fuels of the future in maritime applications and ports could be many: ammonia, methanol, liquid hydrogen, hydrogen gas, e-fuels. But also electricity and renewable sources such as wind.
  • this complex situation requires effective investment in infrastructure, which must grow in the same direction as shipyards and shipowners.
  • decarbonisation cannot be experienced as an additional tax (or worse, as a fine, as one of the speakers indicated) but as an opportunity to modernise the sector, which must necessarily be supported with public aid, otherwise it is not sustainable.


The Simplifhy contribution to SEAFUTURE 2023

Want to know more about decarbonisation solutions for the shipping industry?

In Simplifhy we offer strategies and systems for the decarbonisation of industry, through deployment of Hydrogen-based technologies as an alternative fuel.

Our plants are tailoredaccording to the necessities of each specific project.

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