New professions in the energy and hydrogen sector

27 Jan 2023

The energy transition is creating a need for new skills and professionalism.
These are experts on topics such as energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and hydrogen.

Specifically, the new professional figures required by the market are:

Let us look in more detail at the tasks and skills of these new professions.

Energy Manager

The Energy Manager is a professional expert on all legislation concerning energy saving.
In particular, the Energy Manager helps companies to:

  • comply with current energy saving regulations
  • avoid penalties in case of non-compliance
  • obtain tax relief and high energy savings.

Energy Management Expert

The EGE (Expert in Energy Management) is a professional figure who conducts energy diagnoses, particularly at ‘energy-hungry’ companies of all sizes.
These are companies that require large amounts of electricity or gas to carry out their activities.

In particular, the EGE has in-depth and detailed knowledge of the energy market and has the task of supporting companies in the rational management of energy to optimise efficiency, reducing consumption and waste.

Utility Manager

The Utility Manager is a professional figure dedicated to utility management.

Thanks to his in-depth knowledge of the sector, he is able to solve utility-related problems.
In addition, he enables the companies he works for to sign more advantageous supply contracts, keeping an eye on the market and the latest innovations.

At the operational level, the tasks of a Utility Manager involve analysing the costs and consumption of a company’s commodities with a view to cutting costs and improving performance in terms of service value for money.

To achieve these objectives, the Utility Manager has the task of monitoring the market and cost items and verifying invoices based on the knowledge gained.
This is a certified and recognised professional figure, destined to acquire an increasingly important role during this phase of energy transition.

Data Scientist and Data Analyst in the digital and energy worlds

The Data Scientist and the Data Analyst in the digital and energy world are specialised figures associated with the ability to analyse and manage data, aimed at extracting relevant information for companies.

In particular, the role of these two figures in the energy context is linked to performance monitoring, which makes it possible to guarantee maximum reliability and availability of energy, avoiding service interruptions or breakdowns.

Indeed, the energy sector is also changing thanks to new AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning (Machine Learning) technologies.
Companies that are able to make proper use of the data and information collected will be able to benefit greatly from the digital revolution.

In this context, a professional figure capable of mastering the data collected and extracting useful information from it for companies and the market becomes essential.

The role of the Data Scientist and that of the Data Analyst are also fundamental for the use of data for energy efficiency.
Indeed, thanks to machine learning algorithms and sensing tools, it is possible to collect and predict consumption volumes. This enables effective energy management and greater savings.

Environmental computer scientist

The environmental computer scientist is a professional specialised in the field of meteorology, environmental controls and environmental monitoring.

Specifically, this professional is involved in the study and implementation of design and implementation techniques for computers, servers and related systems, such as monitors, printers, storage devices, networks and efficient communication systems.

Designers and installers of hydrogen production systems

Hydrogen system designers and installers will be increasingly in demand as the decarbonisation of industry through the use of hydrogen-based technologies progresses.

However, as yet there are no specific training paths in this sector.
For this reason, it is currently difficult to find professionals specialised in hydrogen.

We at Simplifhy are the first Italian supplier of hydrogen-based solutions with a comprehensive and customised offer that includes a range of services:

  • consulting for the design and implementation of custom-made hydrogen plants
  • support for foreign companies that want to implement solutions for the production and use of hydrogen in Italy
  • specialisation in national and European calls for tenders for the financing and implementation of innovative projects for decarbonisation with technologies based on the use of hydrogen.

In addition, we collaborate with ITS GREEN to offer technical training on hydrogen to those who wish to acquire the new skills required by the energy transition.

Specifically, ITS GREEN organises a series of post-diploma specialisation courses recognised by the Ministry of Education. These courses make it possible to become technical specialists in the energy and environment sector, with professional profiles in high demand by companies.

Contact usfor more information.

In Simplifhy we offer strategies and systems for the decarbonisation of industry, through deployment of Hydrogen-based technologies as an alternative fuel.

Our plants are tailoredaccording to the necessities of each specific project.

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