Simplifhy is the first Italian solution provider to offer strategies and systems for decarbonisation of the industry, through deploying technologies based on the usage of hydrogen as an energy vector and alternative fuel.
The European climate goals for 2050, impose a gradual change of the politics regarding energy sector to progress toward decarbonization.
Particularly, the hydrogen that is produced from renewable energies, solar and wind energy, will be a key factor in the process of energy transition.
In this context Simplifhy can offer solutions for many different needs.
Why “Simplifhy”?
To simplify is our mission. We have chosen to give life to this start-up to ease the implementation of hydrogen-based technologies.
Hence our name: Simplify + (H)

The “customized” hydrogen solutions, tailored to your needs.
In Simplifhy we realize customized solutions based on your reality’s needs.
Our strength is to offer personalized solutions to meet the specific requirement of each client.
We are the company that simplifies the hydrogen-based solutions.
We propose ourselves as a unique interlocutor during the phases of
Feasibility studies and basic design
Detail Engineering and project implementation
Transportation of the hydrogen
Installation and maintenance of the plants
Simplifhy network– our technological partners
This is all possible thanks to our partnerships with a network of specialized companies.
Together with our partners, we have built a real hydrogen ecosystem.
Within this ecosystem the different competencies interact with each other to offer the final complete solutions.
We draw on the expertise and background of our partners, including Automation Service, a company specialized in automation systems.
Since more than 30 years, Automation Service operates in the field of technical gases and fuels for chemical, electronic, mechanical and pharmaceutical industries, and has a proven track of record in design and construction of skids for hydrogen production and distribution plants.
The value of “networking”
At Simplifhy we deeply believe in the value of “networking”, particularly in an innovative sector such as the hydrogen one, which is rapidly evolving.
This is why we have chosen to be the member of the most important trade associations in our territory
- H2IT – Italian Association of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
- LE2C – Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster
- Assolombarda
Being a member of this network enables us to be constantly informed about the latest technologies and regulations in this field.
Moreover, this allows us to participate in different calls from Regione Lombardia, and the European Union, and to take advantage of the new opportunities offered by the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) which has devoted 4.3 billion Euro for new investments in local public transport.

Finally, participating in local associations offers us the opportunity to obtain important recognition and prizes for the value of our solutions
Benefit Corporation (B-Corp)
At Simplifhy, we have decided to be a Benefit Corporation, therefore we are committed to respect a very high standard of scope, responsibility, and transparency.
We decided not to just limit ourselves with putting our values and principles into an ethical code document, but to make them part of our company statute so to become one of our identity qualities.
A different approach that identifies and distinguishes us from our counterparts.
This, in fact, represent an important added value for us. A way to reaffirm since from the statute our will to respect the people who work with us, the environment around us and the communities in which we live.